About us

Who are we?

We are the Australian Cornhole Association (ACA), an organisation dedicated to growing the sport of cornhole in Australia. Cornhole, which originated in America, is more than 140 years old and is already played by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. 

We are passionate about fostering the cornhole community in Australia because it can be played by anyone, young and old, big and small, and by people with varying levels of physical ability. The game is simple and can be played just about anywhere, from backyards, local fields, schools, clubs and pubs. Cornhole creates a sense of community, promotes a healthy and active lifestyle, and is just plain fun to play.

The ACA runs and supports sanctioned leagues and tournaments throughout Australia, using the ACA's official cornhole rules. We also produce professional cornhole boards and bags, built to the same specifications published by the ACA and all of the major American Cornhole organisations.

Our Association is operated by a father and son team with a passion for the game and a drive to build the community in Australia.

Our core values are inclusivity, fairness, and a competitive spirit.

We’re looking forward to throwing some bags with you!

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