Improve Your Cornhole Technique - 2

Improve Your Cornhole Technique - 2

Know Where to Aim

Another vital step to improve your cornhole tossing technique is by knowing exactly where to aim. Many beginners make the mistake of aiming right at the hole, which is not surprising considering how the main goal in cornhole is to get the bag in the hole.

However, it’s very easy to miss if you do this, so avoid thinking about the hole when you’re just learning how to throw accurately. Instead, focus on hitting the bottom six inches of the board. If you throw it right, the velocity will take care of the rest and slide the bag into the hole.

Besides this, you should avoid aiming at the sides of the board. Otherwise, you’ll end up throwing lots of foul bags. Aim for the middle section of the board so even if the bag doesn’t go in the hole, it’ll be in a great position to obstruct your opponent’s throw.

If your bag manages to land in the middle of the board without getting into the hole, your opponent will be forced to try a difficult shot. They’ll either have to try throwing an “air mail,” where their bag goes over yours and into the hole or they will have to try and push your bag in with theirs. Both shots are extremely difficult to nail unless you’re an expert or professional.

Thanks to Recreation Insider

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